
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are a storehouse of goodness. They are really not that high of a priced when you are shopping for nutritious foods.

I know that many of you are far advanced in your knowledge of foods. I'm still discovering many things that I have overlooked or thought was inconvenient to use. Seeds are one. I a nut (in this case a seed) for grinding. I think you must unlock seed's goodness with a coffee grinder in order to help them assimilate or digest in our bodies. Especially as we get older our chompers are not up to their full potential. Some of us aged are even missing a few teeth.  

"Whole sesame seeds contain about 88 mg of calcium per tablespoon of seeds. Just a quarter cup of natural sesame seeds provides more calcium than a whole cup of milk. A quarter cup of raw natural sesame seeds has 351 mg of calcium while one cup of non-fat milk has 316.3 mg, and one cup of whole milk has only 291 mg of calcium. Plus, they are alkaline whereas milk is acidic."

I find it is real easy to grind if you shake the seeds in the grinder as it is operating. It keeps the seeds from settling to the bottom and escaping the grinding process.

I add the newly created powder into my Nutri Ninja. If you have any bone pain, you might find the solution to painless living by using sesame seeds. 

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