
Saturday, July 9, 2016

My Little Garden and Some Gardening Comments

I have two large Anaheim peppers. They look as green as their leaves. No moles yet. I simply planted a pepper plant in a bucket size hole and layered hay around another inner hole filled with the best soil possible. I used a post hole digger to make the bucket size hole. I also used a PVC pipe as a guide for my inner planting hole as I layered the hay and soil around the pipe. I then removed the pipe and planted in the inner hole.

I grew some tomato plants that way also. See my pear tomatoes?

My bucket pool garden is getting some growth.

Here is the top view.

This watermelon plant is growing in a holey bucket.  One inch hole on the bottom and around the bucket. Roots can extend though the holes but the core of the plant is protected in the bucket from moles.

Mulching with hay is easy especially if you use pieces of weed barrier material. By using large quantities of hay it kills weeds and grasses. I also use weed barrier due to my mulching is not too thick.

Tell this spot in my yard that hay promotes weed growth. Give us all a good laugh. The seeds become unviable due to heat and the spoilage factor. Seeds do not like decay.

I turned this crabgrass yard to  red clover. With a little scything I will be able to make some quality hay.

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