
Monday, February 1, 2021


Love is in the air. You want to be at your best and feel your best on that special day. But before you try to pep yourself up, try this elixir of health drink. It will revitalize, strengthen, put color in your cheeks, and make it a day to remember.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

No more baler, no more work, only fun is left when you have a system that works. This book introduces hay pillar method of gardening. 

Great benefits are acquired when growing in pillars. It increases your plants root depth. No bending and no weeding are just some of the benefits of my method. 

Link here to buy book. 

Let me briefly outline what this book will accomplish when used by a gardener. 1. Your garden crops will mostly be off the ground. Easy on the back with little weeding. 2. Your garden pillars will be easier and better to water than ground crops and they will have more root growth than raised beds. You can easily water at the base of your plants instead of spraying on top where the danger of heat could possibly wilt your leaves. 3. The soil mixtures used in these pillars will not dissipate like many ground soils do when torrential rains comes with erosion. 4. Your garden pillars can easily be revitalized. They can be renewed and used over and over again. This is the easiest and best form of gardening that you will ever find. This book is not a renewed edition of a failed system but a brand new system, a futuristic system that keeps on giving in abundant produce. One book, one way, this book is the right way.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Greek Oregano

I'm am so glad to have been able to grow greek oregano. Dr. Cass Ingram wrote,"the word oregano in the ancient Bible is ezov, which is Hebrew. The word was mistranslated by the English as hyssop." I say take confusion away and call Greek oregano hyssop and hyssop by another name. Wild oregano is the purifying herb mentioned in the Bible. By using this herb you will have supernatural results. The U.S. government did a study that showed the oil of oregano kills nine different pathogen found in food spoilage. Let's be pure in body and Spirit and use God's herbs.

Bell Peppers to the Rescue

I'm getting a lot of bell peppers. I slice them up and put them in tacos. I'm not bragging; my peppers are showoffs. I don't garden. I just watch them grow. I believe in easy gardening. I am writing a book on easy gardening for health enthusiasts that don't have much time for gardening. My plants are ready to declare their story.

I made a mistake this year. I grew more hot peppers then Anaheim peppers. Anaheim peppers are great for chili rellenos. Hot peppers are good for a little seasoning or relishes. Since I ran out of Anaheim peppers, I am going to use bell peppers instead. With a little seasoning, maybe I won't know the difference. At least will bell peppers I will not have to skin them.

Ninja Pro

The Ninja Pro Blender is the best blender I've ever used. I am afraid it is made with such great quality that they will eventually go out of business. Products that never break down hurts a thriving business.

I started using Ninja years ago when I want to extract nutrients from herbs and vegetables. I needed a powerful motor and great cutting blades. I found it all in Ninja. I can juice wheatgrass, alfalfa, and other herbs with breeze. I strain the fiber from the juice and have become a present day gladiator of health and vitality. I owe it all to pure water and Ninja.

I like Ninja so much that I bought another one as a spare. To keep companies financially stable we must continue to buy their products even though their original product never breaks down. I love my Ninja. Buy a Ninja today. I have two.


There is a difference between inorganic minerals and organic minerals. Taking inorganic minerals would be like eating handfuls of dirt and expecting it to give us strong bones. The problems is the most inorganic minerals cannot be used by our bodies. They might get deposited within us but that kind of mineral deposits would cause all kinds of health problems.
As our mobility decreases through the years, I think it is our water that is giving us problems. Are we turning into stone by Medusa's spell? Common sense would tell us that if inorganic nails were good for iron than we should be soaking them in our mineral waters. If copper pipes are great for drinking water, then why not soak a few new pennies in our pure spring water and make a healthy drink. As our bodies continue to go astray, we must listen and learn from God the ways to regain our health.
At a young age of sixty I was on my way to disability. My arms were freezing up like a rusty hinge without oil. My joints were screaming with pain and immobility. I believe God gave me the answer to my problems: Water. I needed to drink pure water and not some mineral water cloaked in a cup of sparkling impure water. Solution: H2O labs will save your life.


Each day is an adventure, especially looking for dandelions. According to National Geographic dandelions has, "historically been used for many ailments" and yet they rest undisturbed in our yards.
Hebrews 6:7
“For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:”

Beach Body?

What makes a great beach body? Abs and a little fat. Concentrate on your abs and do a little cardio and you will become beach ready. It is that simple. I eat twice a day and have cut down on sodas and chips. If I get real hungry, I'll eat oats or cream of wheat as a snack. I run for twenty five minutes every day. It will take a while but you can do it. Say a little prayer and watch the results. Fat will melt and abs will appear.

I'm not there yet but I am on my way. You can look better instantly by sucking in your stomach. It is also good exercise.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Jalapeno time!

Jalapenos are they good for you?
Calories: 4
Fiber: 0.4 grams
Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 4% of the RDI
Vitamin A: 2% of the RDI
Vitamin K: 2% of the RDI
Folate: 2% of the RDI
Manganese: 2% of the RDI
One jalapeno is very hot. I tried juicing one today. Look at the picture of what I juiced: You'll see Chia plant, alfalfa, dandelion, garlic, and jalapeno. With one pepper it was like drinking fire. I had to drink milk to settle the flames.
With a Ninja juicer and a fine meshed sieve, you can juice anything. Give the fiber to the plants and drink your way to glamor and beauty. You're awesome so let the juice make it show.

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