
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Beware Straw Balers

Clopyralid products with names like Stinger, Reclaim, and Transline have been used on the wheat and oat straw bales that many use in their gardens. Clopyralid is an herbicide and is particularly damaging to peas, tomatoes and sunflowers and can render potatoes, lettuce and spinach inedible. Clopyralid lingers in manure and compost and spoils plants years after it has been applied.

You can still buy clopyralid products. The only States that have banned it are NY, CA, HI, and WA. Halloween bales may have some fire retardant chemicals sprayed on them.

Using organic hay, grass, leaves, or cover crops is the best way to go. You only use what you are assured of as being safe. The use of a pine baler or my home baler will make you the tight bales that will give you the bale garden of your dreams. Get my plans for the home baler and join the new revolution of hay bale gardening.

Home Baler Plans

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