
Friday, January 23, 2015

Straw Bale Gardening

I got a free straw bale gardening book at Amazon. They are a dime a dozen. There are so many of the same kind of books coping one another. It is like the same author has written most of them.

In one part of the book I read about conditioning the straw bale. They call it cooking the straw bale or composting the bale.  They use plenty of nitrogen to condition the bale. Nitrogen can stunt the plant or cause it to grow green with less fruit. I would be careful at using nitrogen by the cup fulls as suggested, it is toxic.

In the Hay Bale Gardening Revolution we bury the bales and have the bales compost naturally. Microbes and earthworms do the job without toxic overuse of chemicals.

The book suggested the warmth of the cooking bales will be nice for plants since they love warm bales. How ridiculous. The roots might like a normal growing temperature, but grow early without an hot house and the tops of your plants will die. I know. I've tried early growing outside of a hot house, it can't be done.

One reviewer had said my techniques were too hard. Talk about hard. Try cooking a bale. It would be easier cooking it in hot water than a chemical bath.  Most reviewers always point to straw bales as the answer to their gardening problems. They are trying to con many into buying their books. That's right, they are authors soliciting their books by writing bad reviews about other gardening books in order to deceive many into buying their books. Isn't that right Toy Reviewer? Toy reviewer is a famous straw bale author who uses his real name unless he writes you a bad review in order to increase his book sales. The things people do for money. The lies they tell just to increase their book sales.

I'm keeping my books cheap so you can have a successful garden instead of the ones shown with the magic of Photoshop.

We will be looking more into the straw bale revival, and showing you their false claims that simply doesn't work any better than throwing a seed into the ground and covering it with fertilizer.

Many have touted their claim as the originators of straw bale gardening. Do you know it started? It probably started with cow named Bessie when she discharged some excrement onto a straw bale and a farmer noticed a plant started to grow on the bale. He then had an idea to write a book and spread his new growing techniques that he said took years of study.

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