
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Jeralean Tally

I like to read about centenarians. The aged are a blessing to us and inspires us to grow old gracefully. We can learn a lot by their example with what time we do have on this earth.

Jeralean Talley was one of those beautiful ladies that lived well past a hundred. She passed on to glory land at the age of 116. She had many hobbies that included fishing, bowling, making quilts, sewing dresses and watching her favorite television shows. She also liked playing slots at casinos.

Her diet consisted of eating comfort foods like chicken wings and Hog Head Cheese.

She attended  Missionary Baptist Church and no doubt had the support of many people who loved and prayed for her. She had one child, a daughter, Thelma Holloway, born in 1937. She also had many grandchildren.

Jeralean lived by the golden rule. She treated others the way she would like to be treated. She had faith in God and replied about her longevity, "Don’t ask me; ask Him,” She said. “That’s in the Lord’s hands.”

Her favorite foods were potato salad, honey buns, McDonald’s chicken nuggets, and Wendy’s chili. According to the Detroit Free Press, she drinks black coffee with sugar every morning.

She’s lived an active life. As a child, she worked long hours picking cotton and peanuts, and digging sweet potatoes. Her exercise consisted of waving her arms and kicking her feet.

There are many factors that contribute to longevity.  You might think that our life style has very little to do with it. I differ. It does matter. Sure, you may not live past a hundred but by living well we certainly can add years to our lives.  I think the most important thing is the quality of life than the quantities of years. We may not live long but the time we have in living we want them to be the best (healthiest) years of our lives.


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