
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Let's Exercise Our Necks

"Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury, whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men" Song of Solomon 4:4.

There is no doubt about it. The neck is a valuable part of our body.

Very few people exercise it. I wonder why? I remember as a kid I was made to do somersaults at school and ended up injuring my neck. I had years of pain before I found the solution to my ills. I started exercising my neck at a gym using a specialized neck exercise machine. It took only a week of exercise before all the pain left.

You would think that I would have continued exercising my neck but I have been very neglectful. Sometimes you feel that exercise is not that important. I often wonder, do I have to exercise every part of our body? Perhaps for a healthy and extended life we do.

I have found that extreme headaches were relieved by placing a massager at the back of my neck near the base of my skull. It relieved my head aches instantly. I recently have been having tinnitus (hearing pulsing noises in the ears). There are many reasons that can cause it but it has made me think about my neck and its circulation.

I tried a simple exercise where I lay across my bed with my head extended. I rotated my head in a circular motion. I was amazed at all the bone cracking sounds that I heard as I rotated my neck. Well, that was enough for me to start exercising my neck again. 

If you have problems with you head, maybe you ought to do some neck exercises. I know it would improve circulation. I don't know about you but I want increase blood flow through my neck to my head. Maybe I'll become a genius with more blood flow to the many parts of my brain. At least I have already started becoming smarter in wanting to exercise one of the most important parts of my body. How about you? Are you up for the neck exercise challenge for a healthier head?

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