
Sunday, November 1, 2015

After the Frost

I keep an eye on the weather report. Frost came a few days ago. I had the whole family help with the late harvest of tomatillos, and tomatoes. I also took my bucket crops inside my studio.

The rye and wheatgrass can survive a little cold.

I took my cilantro inside.

I also took my tobacco plants inside. I use a quarter of a leaf in my smoothies and orange juice blend.

I would like my tobacco plants to seed. I am starting to see flower buds. Maybe I'll get blessed with seed for next year.

It was a nice morning after work today. I like the fog. It is going to warm up to the 60-70's.

I tried to get a picture of a cardinal. The bird would not face me.

One last picture before resting for another late night shift. Salad anyone?

GOOD MORNING!  I would say "Good night" but I sleep during most of the day.

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