
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Rolled Oats: Food for Champions

Everybody wants a chunk of our money. Some of the most advertised health foods come from another country. Maca is one that you can buy in powder form. It only cost around 40 dollars for a pound but it is great for smoothies. It will turn impotent men into sexual dynamos. At least that is what is promoted.

I have a theory that health peddlers go to different countries and promote another country's products in order to sell it at a huge profit. We don't complain for the huge prices due to the fact that you can't grow it in your own backyard. For instance, maca only grows in cold climates and high altitudes like Peru. Peddlers have made a lot of money on maca products.

Take a look at these happy people and their cash crop.

Thank God for rich foreigners that buy (Peruvian) products and help keep those farmers in Peru alive. What is money if you can not share it with others? Right?

I could almost sell you anything with a value report on my product, beautiful packaging, and alluring photos.

You can make even more money on your product by placing it in capsules and medicinal bottles. Don't you want to become healthy and have sexual vitality?


Here is a sample of my scamming product for oats:

I know it is a tremendously high price for oats. Oats are usually cheap. However, I believe they will be going up in price. Oats are not at this time a cash crop but perhaps someday farmers will make huge profits in growing it.

Oranges used to be cheap. But what I have seen years ago is that they would rather charge huge prices for orange products than give us a deal. I remember an old report by "Sixty Minutes" showing heaps of oranges in California being thrown away in order to inflate prices. Now that the orange industry is more manageable they have been hit by bad weather and diseases that will cause the prices to go up even higher.

"The US government expects this season’s yield of Florida oranges to be down 17 per cent on last year, at 135million boxes, because cold weather and ‘spotty’ rainfall have meant smaller oranges and fewer fruit per tree.The state’s orange groves have also been ravaged by the deadly, incurable ‘greening disease’, which originated in Asia and forces farmers to uproot trees.Millions of dollars have been spent on aerial pesticide spraying in an attempt to reduce the population of the insect that spreads the disease – the citrus psyllid."

Sometimes you reap what you sow when you try to cheat the public--Larry Zoro

Let's get back to oats:

"Nevertheless, demand for oats has been falling for nearly a century, ever since mechanized equipment started taking over for horses on farms and roads. In fact, global acreage devoted to oats has fallen by 58 percent just in the past decade, according to General Mills. That’s in part because oats aren’t a particularly efficient or profitable crop. It takes more seed to produce an acre of oats than it does to produce an acre of other major crops, like corn. According to the USDA’s Economic Research Service, the average revenue per acre of corn in 2012 was $1,073. For soybeans, it was $596. For oats, it was a mere $245."

When the demand for oats increase, it too will be an expensive health food worthy of high prices like maca and its special advertising campaign.

Enjoy your oats while you can without having a need in buying expensive foreign health foods. Appreciate their low prices before you see an ad like the one I shown you pasted in this blog. If only I had a sexy model to promote my oats, I might have had a sale or two.

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