
Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Three Basic Pillars of Extraordinary Health

Those in the work force know the importance of health. In many jobs more than two days leave for absence due to illness  is not tolerated. This forces the sick employee to quit or work while being sick. In order to be productive and healthy we must build pillars in life that will support extraordinary health.


There is a need to practice sanitation at all time. Be careful with what you handle, and by all means use sanitizer. Vaccination are used by many to ward off last year's flu bug (never the present year's flu virus) however, they have limited benefits and many still get sick after taking the shot.  The pillar that is most important is DIET. This may include juicing, making smoothies, and abstaining from bad food like white flour products, soda, and sugary treats and deserts.

Having an herb garden and also growing grasses for juicing will help ward off any infectious germ or virus.

Greek Oregano is a must for any juicing:

"What the ancients did is one thing, but the utility oregano offers today is what is critical. People living in modern civilizations are extensively victimized by infectious disease. Medicine offer little if any hope of curing these infections. Everyone is at risk for attack. This vulnerability is a consequence of the extremely potent and widespread germs which are a creation of modern life. It is the result of drug-resistant germs, viral epidemics, parasites/bacteria in the water, bizarre pathogenic yeasts and fungi, the intake of immunosuppressive drugs, hospital supergerms, excessive antibiotic intake, and genetically engineered mutants.  It is also the result of the fact that our immune systems are weakened from poor nutrition, stress, and/or drugs. In other words, the risks are higher than ever before in today's civilization, because the individual might be healthy-never sick a day in his/her life-and still succumb to a bizarre infection. 

This is where wild oregano, the 'hyssop of the Law' comes to the rescue. This is the most potent health-inducing herb known."

Studying about herbs and being your own health nutritionist and herbal practitioner is a must for extraordinary health.

Herbs are fascinating. I read two cancer success stories in Prevention magazine (May 2001) that all mentioned herbs as part of their healing regimen.

"I definitely don't think it's the herbs alone," He says. "I personally feel that the dietary changes I've made---a lower-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains...."

"I still take lots of vitamins---particularly antioxidants. I also use herbs to help boost my immune system and relieve the stress..."

Did you see the article of the lady who regained her health through Turmeric?

I don't know if its true or not but I do know herbs are body energizers and protectors for giving abundant health.


I'm sixty and I exercise almost everyday since I restarted in March. It is crucial to maintain a healthy body. Exercise includes running for cardiovascular health and dumbbells for muscular strength.


To change tomorrow you must change today.

If you cease to move you will prematurely die.  But if you act in a good, healthy, and positive way, you will win the prize of a healthy body and a vigorous mind.

Directors in Hollywood use the terms, "Lights, Camera, Action!"  It signals to everyone on the movie set that it is time to get moving.  First the lights are empowered, next the cameras are turned on, and at last the actors begin their craft.  Consequently, it is the same with health and fitness.  First you are enlightened to what you should do, next you become self aware of your need for personal action, and at last you begin to act.  If action is the key to success then what kind of action are we talking about?
        We need action for the heart.  The heart beats about 3 billion times in the average lifetime depending on its condition.  An unconditioned heart will beat faster than an aerobic conditioned heart.  A normal resting heart rate for adult's ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute, whereas a well-trained athlete has a normal resting heart rate closer to 40 beats a minute.  The benefits of exercise are reducing the risk of heart disease by lowering the cholesterol and the fat levels in the blood and helping the blood vessels keep open and flexible.
        We require action for our skeletal system.  Extended periods of physical  inactivity can  lead  to  our loss of bone mass.  Regular aerobic exercise and strength training will increase your bone mass and bone strength.
        Our muscular system also commands action. People who are more muscular with a lower amount of body fat have a higher metabolism than others that are less muscular.  Therefore the more muscular you are the faster you'll burn the calories that make the fat.

        The evidence is beginning to show that diet and exercise may have the greatest effect on brain health. Through exercising the heart we also get the benefits of a healthy brain.  The increase of blood and oxygen flowing to the brain will directly influence our brain cells health and will possibly ward off Alzheimer and vascular dementia.


You must have at least eight hours of rest a day. If you can do with less, it is probably due to you not exercising. Believe me that when you exercise you need the rest to rebuild your muscles.

Visualize: I do not usually practice visualization. It is mainly a waste of time. I can visualize many things in my head but things usually stay the same until I take action. If you are an expert in visualization, please visualize me receiving a million dollars. When I receive the money, than I'll be a firm believer of visualization.

I use a visualization technique to get back to sleep when I need it. If you are like me, your brain likes to work when you are only partially rested.

Here is my technique for falling a sleep or going back to sleep: Visualize a  "REST SIGN" in the most calming color (mine is blue). It doesn't matter what the sign says. You can use, "DO NOT DISTURB," or "AT REST" or any other saying. It isn't as much as the words as it is the color. Visualize the sign in your mind. Now when your mind wants to worry or solve problems by keeping you awake, you should begin to visualize your color . The key is not to be sidetracked by other thoughts. You are at rest and your visualized sign is your way to block all other thoughts from disturbing you.  The color you choose will represents your time of inactivity. Like a computer, your operating system is shut-down and not available for work. Your pesky thoughts must now come back during your waking hours and leave you alone while your getting your eight hours of sleep.


I'm sure there are other pillars that can support extraordinary health but for me these are my main ones. There are exceptions to every rule or rules. Someone might find strength with their spirituality. Which is fine. I do not doubt the power of the omnipotent God. Others might insist on a vegan diet which is also fine. By implementing pillars you will have more added years of life than you would have by doing nothing. 

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