
Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 25th

Yesterday there was a beautiful evening.

I am preparing the week with making wheat/rye grass juice. I also threw in a few dandelions and Greek oregano.  I only drink juice once a day. Two cubes of green and one of watermelon rind with a 1/4 leaf of tobacco.

I perfected my evening smoothie: I use 1/2 milk- chocolate cocoa mix, peanut PBfitpowder, banana, hand full of spinach, quarter of tobacco leaf, and a little kale. It was great. It energized me. I stayed up till 3 am in the morning.

Tonight is work at my all night job. I be taking a bowl of meat in cooked rolled barely with a little cheese. It will be smothered in hot sauce. For my first break I will eat some plain yogurt that I have added a dash of brown sugar and fresh apple chunks. I also bring my orange juice with blended tobacco leaf (1/3 leaf).

I was reading about the toxicity of buckwheat greens. I found this great saying, "The Latin expression dosis sola facet venenum (the dose makes the poison) attributed to the ancient Romans could be applied here. A small quantity of buckwheat greens (or buckwheat lettuce as it is often called) in an individual diet could allow for healthy nutritional benefits without the negative effects of large amounts."  

I found the same thing by using green tobacco leaf, the dose makes the poison.  If a person takes too much tobacco leaf, they can become nauseous, get chills with tiredness. The thing I have been learning is that too much of anything could be bad. A person could overdose on vitamins or water. In large quantities anything can become toxic.

This is the first time I have grown lettuce in a bucket. I can't wait for a fresh salad. I should now try spinach and perhaps kale.

I now have my onions outdoors. They look mighty fine.

Happy Halloween from my house to yours. Try not to overdo on the sweets. Remember the sales after Halloween. It is time to look for store specials.

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