
Monday, October 12, 2015



I have two buckets that I'm growing lettuce. I used the net for insect control. Insects were eating my lettuce before I did. Now that it is getting colder, insect might not be a problem. However, I'm going to use the net until I run out of net by raising it higher for more lettuce growth.

It is a simple process to raise the net higher. Pull the excess net higher above the plant through your tie strings. If the net is loose, the lettuce plant will raise the net as it grows.


Buckets are portable. When I have enough growth I will be taking mine to work with me. I'll leave it in my car until lunch time. At lunch time, I will go out to my car and secretly harvest my salad and then take it back into my lunch break room and fix my salad.

Why secretly harvest? It is strange behavior that might be misconstrued. In reality it is appropriate behavior that is deserving of commendation. Fresh lettuce will provide nutrition beyond that of wilted or old lettuce. It will also taste heavenly.

"What was you doing in your car?"

"I was harvesting my garden."

"Okay, Should I call someone to help you (mental help)?"

"You can help, here hold my radishes and help me bring them into our lunch area."

Obtaining healthy food, might require new innovations---Larry Zoro

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