
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Taco Mania

I love tacos. They are easy to make.

I found some hot peppers in my freezer that I had prepared last year by cooking them and freezing them in ice cube trays.

I added two pepper cubes to my ground beef.

I also added some taco seasoning and chili powder.

I remembered I had some mung bean sprouts and added them to my mixture of beef and peppers. Add your mung bean sprouts after you had cooked the beef. You do not need to overcook the spouts.

I heated my taco shells in my pizza cooker. Notice the empty can.

As you can see I used a lot of mung beans. Mung beans do not have much taste. They will not spoil your meat mixture.

This was my fast way of cooking tacos. I can't live without them. They are so good.

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