
Saturday, November 21, 2015

I Have Become a Bucket Man

I use buckets continually. I use them for storing my clothes, papers, grains, and also use them for growing.

 Some indoor plants are now reaching the ceiling.

One day it is above freezing and the flowers bloom while other days it becomes frigid and cold.

Today, even the birds are lethargic.

The deer have lost their excitement knowing that there are more cold days ahead of them. I feel their pain but I've decided to bring a little green indoors.

I now have a Anaheim pepper plant that looks more like a tree than a plant. It likes being sheltered indoors.

I've been using lettuce. I like eating fresh lettuce in my tacos. They also like it indoors.

Have a good day. I think I'll start some cabbage plants indoors. It would be nice to have winter slaw.

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