
Monday, February 9, 2015

Are Fertilizers Overused?

I used to take vitamins. It was said that the organic vitamins would be better to buy than the inorganic kind. Most nutritionist are now saying vitamins may not be that great. But what about plants? Can't I buy a box of fertilizer and feed my plants so they will have miracle growth?

Everyone has their opinions. Here is a home guide that will explain the overuse of fertilizers. Thank God for people with knowledge. I would hate to take responsibility for causing environmental issues. That's why when I wrote my books on gardening, they had to be organic.

You can have organic soils by using manures from chicken, rabbit, turkey, cattle, horses, and plenty of compost. Also recycle every scrap of vegetable and fruit that you do not consume.

I wrote a book for making bales out of food scraps (no meat) called, "The Honey Bee Baler." Make a bale and put it in your garden and let it feed your plants. Join the Hay Bale revolution and become an organic gardener.

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