
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I'm a Gentle Spirit.

I got mad. When I was getting my message out about my kind of gardening a straw bale author accused me of unethical behavior (plagiarism). You know, he might  have a point, if I was a straw bale gardener. If he would have read my book, he would have know it was vastly different than what he teaches. However, authors do copy other authors' work. There is nothing you can do about it. Unscrupulous copiers  meticulously word their new books to make sure they do not exactly copy another's work word for word.

Sometimes gardeners think they have an exclusive idea but only to find someone else thought of it years before. When I started writing gardening books, I didn't even know that straw bale gardening existed or that it was popular. If I did, I might have called my book Straw Bale Gardening or Straw Bale Garden Habitat. What did I do, I called it Hay Bale Gardening. Everyone knows that hay bales are not used for gardening. I was almost  convinced myself, "Hay Bales will sprout grass." Now such a statement sounds foolish. Nothing grows in hay bales, not even grass. But seeds are another thing. Hay left in the field will drop many  seeds, but why wait till hay seeds? Cut your hay before it seeds. Or use untreated grass clippings. I never heard a person say that grass clippings will sprout grass in your compost pile or garden? If you are worried about hay, then by all means use something else. You could call my books, The Leaf Bale Garden, or The Leaf Bale Garden Habitat.

Now I am in a gardening bracket that is mostly unobserved. At least I don't have to worry about others stealing my work. I have nothing but success ahead. If you  start at the bottom, you can't help but go upwards.

I like hay and everything that grows in it. I like cutting it, and making bales. I like using what grows on my own land. I also like oak leaves, and other materials that I can make bales into. I like the earthworms that help turn my soil into rich mulch. I am a very likable gardener.

I wish I could write more books on gardening. However, I cannot improve on what works. I guess I can continue posting. I guess I'll  continue gleaning form the work that I already published. I know some will get mad, that I am giving information away for free, but I don't care. Freebies are fun. I remember a comment made on a straw bale author, "You can get all the information she gives for free on the internet." Maybe so, but not in one place.

 Let me give you a word of caution when getting my books. There are sharing sites that are distributing them for free. It sounds irresistible getting a free book. However, do you want a computer virus or malicious software along with it? You might get the book, but it will cost you in so many other ways. I remember reading about those who tried to pirate Xbox game software. Instead of being successful, Microsoft banned their game system for life. Now they have a system that is useless when they want to connect on-line.

 I want to thank those who have bought my books. It is people like you that help me test more gardening ideas. Did you make a super digger yet? I like mine. Watch the video?  

Take care till the next time..when we talk more on Gardening.

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