
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Scarcity of Nitrogen

The secret ingredient in hay bale gardening is organic manure and biochar. The secret ingredient to straw bale gardening conditioning is nitrogen, "Conventional gardeners use “cheap” lawn fertilizer – look for 20 percent fast-release nitrogen – available from the local hardware store." 

Nitrogen rich products are becoming more and more rare in finding them. I think the government is making them illegal like they do phosphorous fertilizer. It's getting hard to find high quantities of nitrogen fertilizer.

The cost of fertilizer is going up and up. Will the price outweigh the price it costs to make a garden? I always say, if it cost a lot to grow your garden, you might as well buy your fresh produce. Maybe that is what's happening. The powers that be are making it a financial burden to grow a garden.

Here I come to save the day. Buy some rabbits or chickens for manure. Buy aged manure and mix it with your sifted soil. Also, buy a book on building a bio-char generator. You need bio-char. I make my own from a pot, but I plan someday to get into full time production.

Get ready America, the bio-char books are coming. It will overtake publishing like no other gardening books. Does that mean I'm writing a new book? I sure am not. How did you like the way I phrased it, "I sure am not."

Stay tuned America. I am about to reveal cardboard gardening. It has all the get rich scheme marketing that comes with sensational new gardening techniques. Truly, It's funny but I can grow in cardboard as well as those who claim to grown in only straw.

Join my Revolution and be prepared for more bans on gardening. We don't care because, We don't rely on expensive gardening products to grow our gardens.

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