
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Straw Bale Gardens . . . - Do Not Require Soil

I saw advertising that says, "Straw Bale Gardens . . . Get High Yields- Never Need Weeding- Do Not Require Soil."

I had seen an air plant before, but not in a straw bale. Every plant needs some kind of soil, unless you are into hydroponics. 

What do I think they mean by such an advertising pitch? It simply means that you don't need soil on the ground for your plants to grow. The soil or medium is in the straw bale.

People like outlandish claims. They really deserve what they get for not using their brains.  

Get ready I present to you the truth about growing in air.

The hay bale has shrunken as the soil medium remained unchanged.

I dug out the hay/leaf bale and found not roots. If there was a feeder root, I couldn't find one. Also very few roots beneath the bale. Conclusion: the plant was growing in the bale's soil medium and not in the bale.  

Why all the fuss. Who cares. You have a point. Unless you consider all the disappointed gardeners spending their hard earned money on something that only works in their dreams. I know I am a little strong. Straw bale and Hay bale gardening is like growing in a pot.

My technique is similar, However it is all organic, and I use homemade growing medium. Bales in the ground, as I teach, helps modulate the moisture that's beneath the bale. I use biochar which is famous among high-tech farmers. 

The straw bales used in most gardening taught on the internet is above ground. It will only waste water and leech out toxic fertilizers that was used to conditioned the bale. 

We do have good news, now we have organic conditioned bales being taught. My message is getting out. Organic is in. The Hay Bale Revolution is taking over. People are making their tote bales and growing fantastic gardens. 

I only suggest that you grow in a trench.

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