
Thursday, July 16, 2015


I did some experimentation on my veggie burgers. This time I didn't add bread crumbs or egg. I added some cooked vegetable like carrot and onion to the beans. I also added some ground up almonds to replace the breadcrumbs. As expected, they turned out crummy. No, I mean crumbly. You had to make the patties by flattening a ball of the ingredients and dropping them into the pan. If you are not careful, they will fall apart.

I ate them on a hamburger bun. It was too  much bread for me. The next time I ate them I crumbled them up and cooked them with easy over eggs. It was delicious with a little hot sauce added.

 I also tried eating them sandwiched between two corn tortillas and cheese. It was alright, better than buns. I bet they would make great meat-less tacos.

I have still been eating a lot of potatoes that I harvested last week. I like eggs with potatoes slices. I first cook them in the steamer and later I cook them again with my eggs in a pan.

Tonight I had yellow squash. It was a delicacy. Nothing better than onion, squash, butter, salt, and pepper. This was the first time I harvested the first squash. They usually are runts or fall off the vine.

Garden food is all great taste food. I like to eat it for my main meals. But when it comes to exercising, I need a pick me up. That is when I put my two small cubes of my green herbal mix along with one large ice cube of watermelon juice into my magic bullet and drink it. Before drinking the juice I feel like an old man that hasn't the energy to much of anything. After drinking my juice my brain begins to  surge with life and my body starts exuding energy like Popeye after eating his spinach.

Educational Video: Harmony in the Garden: "Gopher Spinach."

My herbal Mix is extracted by a wheat grass juicer. I use what's available. Last time I juiced I used plantain, alfalfa, dandelion, and oregano. The time before that I used mostly lemon balm and alfalfa. It really doesn't matter what I juice. If it tastes bitter and awful it usually works for health and energy. Get some second hand books on herbs and start planning your herb garden for youthful energy.

Most herbalists are not into juicing. I just recently bought a second-hand book by James A. Duke, Ph.D. called, "The Green Pharmacy. I picked it up for a few dollars. It has a lot of good information. The main thing is to juice your herbs, don't just use them for teas.

Fresh or frozen juices are high in enzymes.  They aid in digestion. I always drink juice between my meals.

If I had a choice between growing a vegetable garden or an herbal garden. I would choose the herbal garden. You would know why after juicing herbs. There is power in those green herbal drinks.

There are many who drink vegetable juices which are very healthy and tasty but I drink mainly herbs.

I don't want average results, I want phenomenal results. That is why I am on a path of juicing herbs. There are risks in taking herbal juices. It is not something a novice can just pick up and do. You must watch for side effects, allergic reactions, interactions, and toxicity. Some herbs are more medicine than foods. I play it safe and use what I know makes me feel good. As I learn by trying more herb juices, I will use caution and do a lot of reading before using just any herb.

I recently tried using Lemon Balm. This is a weedy antiviral mint that has sedative properties. I find its weird that it doesn't sedate me but instead it invigorates me when mixed with other herbs like alfalfa, dandelion, and oregano.

Some herbs like epimedium sagittatum makes a great tea but has little juice. Teas are alright and useful.

Someday I'm going to try some different herbs but it takes planning. You need enough herbs to juice but you must be careful. Most herbs are evasive like weeds and will take over all your garden space. You ought to see my spearmint. It has taken over. It will take years to remove most of it.

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