
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sunspots or Age Spot Removal

Sunspots on the Skin

Everyone has a treatment for sunspots or age spots. I tried many things but nothing seemed to work. I have often wondered if  writers on the  treatment of spots and blemishes ever had success on removing a spot for themselves or are they just experts in pen only?

I have had a bad spot on the side of my face for many years. It's dark and ugly. It goes down many levels into my skin. Should we be concerned about spots forming on our skin? My last dermatologist thought so. He warned that we should keep a close eye on my spot. Why should we be concerned about our skin's health. Men like myself are suppose to be rugged and scorched looking, not beautiful with snow white skin.


There is a easy answer to my last question, "Why should we be concerned..." It is called melanoma. The first sign of melanoma can appear as a harmless atypical mole.

I'm not a doctor and I do not claim to have the solution for malignant tumors of the skin. But I can tell you what worked for me on sunspots. At least it is working. Sunspots did not come instantaneously and neither do they go away quickly. We must repair the skin inside and out.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

My solution is found in hydroxy acids. With increasing research into the causes of wrinkles and the effects of photoaging (damage that is done to the skin from prolonged exposure over a person's lifetime to ultraviolet (UV) radiation) , alpha hydroxy acids have increased greatly in popularity. Alpha hydroxy acids have been used for thousands of years as a skin rejuvenating product.

I have found that hydroxy acids are abundant in unripened grapes.


Years ago I bought some grape vines that turned out to have awful tasting grapes. I would rather have had concord grapes but instead I'm stuck with these seedy green grapes. I used these grapes pictured below.

My Solution to Sunspots

I first cut an unripened grape in half and place one half over the spot. I then remove any seeds in the grape. 

I place the whole half of a grape over the sunspot.

I then place tape over all of the grape so it remains in place. I use duct tape at home and when away from home I don't treat but cover the spot with a circular band aid.


The grape will hydrate and apply hydroxy acids to the sunspot. When my spot begins to burn, I stop with the treatment and apply a slice of real living Aloe Vera plant.  I apply a leaf (sliced open) with the gel held firmly against the skin by tape. When the spot has healed, I continue my grape teatment.

I have done it for a while and I have seen noticeable results that the spot is fading and the skin is renewing itself. I use a fresh half of a grape each day and  I always keep my spot covered with tape. 

Growing new skin is not an easy accomplishment. I think with persistence we can aid our skin with good nutrition and a grape on the bad spots.

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