
Tuesday, July 21, 2015


It is the one and only Moss Rose that grew in my flower garden. I wish I had more in different colors.

I have plenty of onions. Since it is dry I am going to keep them in the ground until I need them. I think I'll give some away. I don't use that many onions.

I'm officially 60 years of age as of today. I do all my exercises with 35 lbs in each arm. My goal is 40 lbs. The first few months my back started to ache after doing bent over rows. In the morning after exercising which is everyday I would walk hunched over until the pain subsided.  I soon conquered the pain by taking citrulline (in a form of watermelon juice). I did a post on it a while back ago. 

The benefits of watermelon juice is underestimated. Do you have back pain? Citrulline is used for muscle soreness that you get after a workout but I think it does much more than that. My pain went deep into the bone and also caused stiffness. With watermelon juice, I am young again and can handle weights that most older people would only dream of doing. Most seniors would like to exercise but pain gets in their way. If you are in pain, no amount of exercise will help but only aggravate your disability. 

People get addicted to things that make them feel good. Well then, I am addicted to watermelon juice. It is so easy to freeze into cubes. I take two a day. I don't have to take very much juice for pain relief. Try it and see if it works for you. Let me know. I would be interested in hearing how your life has change for the better.

By the way, I haven't reached my plateau yet. In another couple of  months I will be increasing my weights on my dumbbells. The only reason I increase the weights is that when the reps get to be around 13, exercise gets boring and takes longer. Right now I am doing about 3 sets and 5-8 reps on each exercise.  

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