
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Potatoes Compliment Any Meal

Sometimes we forget how healthy potatoes are to our health.

When I think of potatoes, I immediately think of the Irish. Some of the most beautiful people I know come from Ireland.

I'm sure it is more to do with genetics than the potato but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the potato has effects that go beyond most nutrition studies.

If it wasn't for the potato most people could not live a bountiful life. Think of the things we can do with the potato? The recipes are too numerous to list.

Eat Potatoes

Adding potatoes to our meals does not take the luck of the Irish, or the skill of the gardener; most places grow them easily. I know some have problems with nematodes or perhaps insects are a problem, I still find growing potatoes are not that hard.

There is no other vegetable that is so packed with nutrition that doesn't take all summer to mature. You can eat them small and young or large and mature. As long as you don't have frost you can be harvesting potatoes for most of the growing season.

Tonight I ate some of my harvest. It really doesn't take much potatoes to satisfy my hunger. Potatoes make you full and satisfied for hours to come.

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