
Monday, July 27, 2015

Pools and Harvesting More Potatoes

I raised my Patio tomato plant off the ground due to thefts.

Kiddie pools are not high enough for the critters that like to eat strawberries and green tomatoes. What is a gardener to do? I'm going to look for some four foot plastic fencing to put around my buckets or raise the pool further off the ground. It doesn't have to be raised much. I don't think it is a kangaroo that's been eating my produce but who knows, " G’day mate! Howz it goin? U wanna tomato?  Ahh, one of me mates is having a Barbie. You wanna go? Were having fried green tomatoes."

I had another bare spot in the yard. It is a good spot to be growing cilantro. I planted a lot of seeds that came from my old plants in my flower garden. The upside down pool is temporary. Heat kills seedlings and the pool makes for some nice shade.

I should be planning for another late fall crop of potatoes but I haven't finished with harvesting the old ones. This is what I found in my garden this morning. They would be like gold for hungry Irish man. But for me, they are a dime a dozen. Literally, I bought some really cheap seed potatoes.

When you see a half ripened tomato you should pick it. Why wait till they fully ripened? Insects love ripe fruit. Steal their joy by picking early.

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