
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Do You Know Your Enemy? TEST YOUR SKILL!

I got a bug for you to do some research. It is the my most dreaded bug in Missouri. I'll show you a picture and you can see if you can identify it by its description. Use your search engine like Google. Remember to review the pictures after giving your description in the search engine. Pick out the one bug that looks like the picture below. Let me first copy and paste this little story about the bug.

"I am in Southwest Missouri. I’ve had these bugs in my garden destroying plants and vegetables for about 2 months now. They started with some of the weeds, but when I pulled the weeds to keep the seeds from dropping into the garden, they moved on to the spinach. After destroying all my spinach, they have now moved on to my tomatoes. They were only eating a few over ripe tomatoes, now they are even starting on the green ones! They seem to swarm in an area at a time (there must be several hundred to a thousand when they swarm)

I’ve done all sorts of research and just can’t seem to find a picture or any info online.
They have dark orange heads, black legs, small pinchers and black or dark brown bodies with orange stripes running the length of their wings/bodies."

I can see that with bugs running rampant and eating our gardens why many do not garden. It is not worth the trouble or heartache to see your work destroyed by a bug. I, on the other hand like the challenge. With every new bug there is a new killer machine or toxic substance waiting to be used in our war against the voracious plant eaters.

This picture I took this morning. Notice the crushed head? I did that.

Now go ahead and get to work. See what you come up with. Scroll down and see my answer. Try not to peek.

 Ans. I don't trust you. I'll give you the link: CLICK HERE

I killed thirty of those bugs today. How did I do it? I used my bug zapper on them. The zapper light attracted them to my catch-all container under the zapper. They didn't get zapped but they got caught in my container. They were alive and well,  running endlessly around in the container. 

Their demise was quick and easy. All I had to do was to dump them in a steel can and let the torch have at them. Now they will have a better use in life. They will become food for my plants.

I don't know if it is the solution to killing all of them. But so far, my plants are safe and those bugs are dead.

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