
Saturday, July 4, 2015


Description: L-Citrulline is a dietary amino acid in the urea cycle, alongside L-arginine and L-Ornithine.

Benefits: L-Citrulline is used as a sports performance and cardiovascular health supplement.

Claim: Reduced fatigue and improved endurance for both aerobic and anaerobic prolonged exercise.

Supplementation: At least 1.5 grams of Citrulline a day for minimal results.

L-Citrulline in watermelon juice: 250 millligrams (.25 gram) of citrulline per cup of watermelon juice. The rind contain more citrulline but no data available.

Fact: Red flesh watermelons had slightly less citrulline than the yellow or orange flesh watermelons.

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Use: Juice fresh or made into ice cubes for addition to your green juices.

Equipment: Centrifugal Juicer, watermelon knife, strainer, measuring cups and ice cube trays.

Method: Juice the rinds without using the skin (possible pesticides on skin). Save the pink flesh for eating. Strain the juice after juicing to remove more fine fibers. Use the finest strainer you can find.

Left over rinds after cutting it close to the skin.

Save some fresh juice and freeze the rest.

Warning: Possible pesticides used on watermelons. It is better to grow your own or go organic. I took the risk and bought one.

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