
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Are Smoothies Good For You?

Very well done video. The link was given to me by my brother John. He drinks a lot of  smoothies. It shows by his great health. I remember the time I tested his blood sugar. He is not diabetic and does not have a problem with being overweight. John if you are out there send me your blood pressure readings, weight, ect. (Body Stats) for research. With your stats I'll have a goal; something to aim for.

The only suggestion I would make about smoothies is choose the vegetables that are organic.

Body stats are confusing. When I eat nothing, my blood pressure is real low. If I eat something and take a reading it goes higher. When taking your blood pressure you should rest a few moments before taking it. After walking to the machine, your blood pressure will be higher than a resting measurement.

I remember years ago a doctor said that I had high blood pressure. I said, "That's normal, I get scared everytime I'm in the doctors office. My blood pressure is still not perfect but it is coming down. A change in diet does affect our blood pressure. Smooth out your blood pressure readings by drinking plenty of smoothies. Don't spike it by eating a lot of processed foods.

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