
Friday, September 18, 2015

Juiceman Jr

I picked up this Juiceman Jr for $2.00. It is obsolete but this one is complete and works. A lot of merchandise you buy new anymore at stores becomes obsolete in a short time. It doesn't matter about the warranty. When a company goes out of business they don't have to handle repairs anymore and then they can start up again under a new name or transfer their assets to another company. This is my own theory but to me it makes sense.

I remember buying a pizza cooker that blew its resistor due to heat related issues. The company went out of business. I bought some expensive hard drives that failed and they too went out of business. The hard drive company had many legal actions but I never received any money.

The company that made my hand cranked juicer went out of business and then another company in Korea began making the same exact model. How convenient that these companies can go out of business and then start up again under a new name.

You should return anything defective you buy at the original store. If it breaks and you can't fix it, you might as well throw it away. It is not worth the hassle or aggravation in trying  to get things repaired.

It may all be in my mind  but the outcome of what they do is usually constant, the customer always gets screwed.

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