
Saturday, September 12, 2015

It Was a Cool Day in Missouri

I'd rather have been outdoors today, but spent most of my day indoors. I needed more tortillas. Thin tortillas made out of sprouted wheat will help a person loose weight by not eating that much bread.

 I'm starting to perfect my techniques. After my grain has sprouted, I rinse it one last time and drain it. I then put it in my refrigerator for two days with the open screen lids. In two days the sprouts are dry and that is when I do the next step of using a food processor.

When the food processor starts rolling up the dough is when the dough is ready. I only put in about a cup or less at a time. I do not want to overtax my food processor and burn out its motor.

This dough was so perfect that I did not need to add more flour.

I added a little yeast from my molasses and water jar that previously had yeast added to it. It became my perpetual yeast starter. It saves from buying yeast packets. I keep it in my fridge until I need it. If it gets low, I add more water and molasses. I always store it with a lid and then remove the lid and warm it up when I need some yeast.

I had so much dough that I made a calzone later that evening. I tasted so good.

The other day, I spent most of my early morning gathering herbs and marigold flowers for juicing. Did you know that a lot of flowers are edible? I made a ten day supply of frozen juice cubes.

Tobacco leaves might be the next new health food craze. It can be dangerous by using too much but it is deserving of research.

One of my heirloom pumpkin plants did not have any pumpkins. At least that is what I thought until I found one hanging in the weeds.

My watermelons are growing but will they mature in time before the frost.

I didn't think this pepper plant would ever grow. It was designed for the drought but we got rain and nearly rotted it at its roots. Later this year the drought did come. My little pepper took off in growth.

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