
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Future Projects

I've started growing some goji berry plants. In three years they should have some berries. I'll have to decide whether I want them in a bucket or in the ground.

These are some of my tobacco plants.

Don't grow tobacco and use it if you don't know the toxicity levels of nicotine. One ingested cigarette is known to kill a child. My plants are for research not for pleasure.

My watermelon in the bucket (with no bottom) has little melons already.

I saw that a mole made a run and it headed towards my healthy watermelon plant. Moles know when it is time to kill the roots of a garden plant. However, this mole got confused when the roots of my watermelon were contained mostly in the bucket. The run stopped at the bucket and went no further.

One last note. If you are having troubles in gardening it might be due to moles or gophers. You have to kill them. Your plants will die in a day after they disturb their roots. I've had attacks on my backyard tomatoes from moles and my plants show it. One of my tomato plant is coming back but the season is now over.

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