
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Don't Call Them Ugly

A gardener is not a success until he or she grows the most beautiful produce. In our society, beauty is in and ugliness is ignored. I like the good, bad, and the ugly when it comes to garden vegetables.

This is my plate of vegetables that most would call undesirable.  Splits on top of a tomato and spots made by stink bugs. The carrots have more legs than I would desire. They remind me of the ginseng root. When the roots look like a body, it is suppose to be good for your whole being.

It was not their fault that they do not make it to the hall of fame of vegetable photographs. Bless their little fibrous hearts. They tried their best and that's good enough for me. I'll use them in one of my dishes and no one will know the better.

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