
Friday, September 18, 2015

How is Your Mid?

I think the inner core is the most important part to exercise. I'm not talking only about abs. The whole region in front, on the sides, and in the back of your mid section. We also should be reducing our weight for a healthy mid. Men mostly have problem with  fat in their mid-section, however, women tend to have more fat in their hips and thighs.


I've heard of so many cases of people with irritable bowel syndrome, crohn's disease, and colitis disease. Once you start having problems, it is almost impossible to fix things. I know someone close to  me who has diarrhea for 12 years. You literally starve to death, not being able to assimilate your food. People with colon problems must learn to wear diapers around the clock.


Everyone hates exercise. I've seen ex-athletes that were gung-ho to workout in their youth but in their later years, they let everything go. When you do that, death will be knocking at your door.

I hate the look of old age. The drawn out tired look, grayish, flabby, dry and wrinkled skin, overweightness, and a blank stare. You need to start taking care of yourself while you still have strength to start SELF CARE. Learn all you can about nutrition and then excel in doing faithful exercise.

Beware not to neglect nutrition. I have seen older muscle builders that now have varicose veins where there muscle used to be. They pumped up alright in their youth but now in their sixties, their veins had exploded with ugliness. Exercise without proper nutrition will harm you more than help you.


Women like men who have a six-pack but the same truth applies to men who find that a women with a six-pack are sexy. I'm sixty and I have the best looking six-pack around. You just can't see it due to the fat that is protecting them. Fat is the insulation that needs to go in order to see the real beauty beneath its layers. I'm working on my fat, but it is hard to get it to leave.

Whenever you exercise do isometrics on your mid section. Force your mid section to contract and then rest it a while. When you go around doing your daily chores you can continue to contract it during the day. Keep your mid-section tight most of the time unless you are planning on joining a beer guzzling bowling team. Then it doesn't matter.

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