
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bucket Plant Support and Bitter Melon

Two problems I fixed today. First was insects making homes in the bottom holes of my buckets. I saw termites and ants. I sat my buckets in another bucket that had a piece of brick placed inside. The brick helps in removing the bucket if I need to. When the plant gets older and makes enough roots that it protrudes through the bottom holes then I could set the bucket in a permanent place without using a second bucket.

Support sticks help spindly plants. Add two sticks on each side of the plant. Use twine in a figure eight. This support is especially handy for tobacco. As I harvest the young leaves, it won't fall over from being top-heavy.

Bitter Melon

I found this bitter melon in the Korean store the other day. I rescued it from their garbage. They didn't mind giving me one. I harvested the seeds for next year. The seeds are drying on a paper plate before I store them away for next year.

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