
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Let's Get in Shape

I got nothing against fat people. I consider myself overweight. The simple fact that I was trying to show by this picture from my Wise Fitness Book  is that we put more effort or work into our possessions than we do for ourselves.

We need to exercise, eat right, and have a stable frame of mind. Here is a portion from my book:

 Anything is possible if our willingness to succeed outweighs our desire to procrastinate. 

Today is the day of new possibilities.  There remains a door in your way.  Open the door and walk in.
Don't fret about yesterday's regrets.  Today can be the beginning of a new and improved you.  The best part of systematic exercise is that you will gain a new self-esteem with a desire to succeed.  Your stronger desire will strengthen you for any battle or hardship that may come your way.
       Today is the day of new possibilities.  Do you want weight control, a stronger heart, and more energy?  Then do the things that most people have little time for, exercising their body.  Your fit and improved body will astound your friends and most of all, amaze yourself.
       Have you ever notice, how many people are more concerned about acquiring and maintaining their possessions than they are in exercising and eating for health?  We all have time consuming chores to do in life, but we also have physical obligations that need tending to.  We need to work our bodies by exercising and then refueling ourselves with healthy foods that have plenty of vitamins, minerals and proteins.

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