
Friday, March 27, 2015

Why Make Your Own Juice?

I am a proponent for healthy foods and juicing is one of the best ways to get nutrition. For instance, I am told that those who juice wheat grass and drink a few ounces are getting the nutrient value of many vegetables.

I haven't always been faithful in juicing, but now that I'm nearing 60, it's time to make more habits at healthy living.

 "Juicing is not a fad. It will help you feel better and have more energy."  

Most gardeners know that growing their own food takes a long time (at least a few months). Unless you have a green house, you can't have great nutrition all year round. Even juicing has its limitation. What are we going to juice in the winter time that is fresh? It is hard to find good nutritious food to juice in the winter months. I think the only solution is to have a green house that will help us continue harvesting some plants in the winter months.

Now that spring is here, lets juice while we are waiting for our garden plants to grow. I like to juice dandelions and garlic together but there is nothing wrong with juicing herbs. I have used mint and Greek oregano.

If you have time, read this article on oregano: 

Dr. Cass Ingram wrote a book on the subject:

I know most healthy juices taste like crap, but so does medicine. Have you tasted an aspirin lately? The movie "First Blood" had this famous line, "You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. 

Are you willing to eat things that might taste bad but are healthy for your body? If you can drink a shot of whiskey than you can drink a shot of juice. You can always chase down the bitter flavor with water or juice.

Health all comes down to this fact: we must find an unusual path for ourselves to get results that are not the norm. Look around, do you really want to look and feel like most men or women, living on junk foods?

I read a quote the other day that said we should concentrate on the inner man instead of our face and body. I say we can do both. we can develop our inner man while we make our outer man stronger. You can be a complete person mastering your inner (spiritual) and outer self (physical).

It takes work to grow your own food, and also to take care of your body. I have noticed  that once you get more energy, doing the things that used to make you tired are now fun.

Today is a new day. Let's grow young together, and let the naysayers continue with their fast decline to old age and nursing homes. No, that sounded harsh. Let's be examples to those around us and mentor those eager to know our health secrets.

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