
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Use Your Food Scraps

This is what I wrote in Hay Bale Garden Habitat:


Use an old blender to add garden waste to your topsoil. I recently blended up eggshells and lemon peels. I mixed the ingredients in my wheelbarrow with some soil just before adding it to my garden bales.

That's a good idea but  I also pour the liquid mush in my trenches or on top of my hay bales. It is still probably a good idea to add soil to lemon mush. I don't know how plants would like all that acidic juice.

I have been using my juicer a lot lately. The pulp comes out of my juicer fairly dry. I take the pulp and put it on the top soil of my buckets

I am a great user of Biochar. Today I found a whole package of moldy hot dog buns. I took the buns and dumped them in my Biochar can and added the plastic to my garbage to be burned. I find bread makes great biochar.

Are you starting to see a picture how everything we use in daily life can be useful. There is dollars wasted on our property or home garbage that we should use and manage.

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