
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Best Diet of All Time (Advertisement)

Are you tired of trying to find healthy foods to eat? The "no food" diet will set you free from the hassles of cooking and preparing meals. Following is a simple list of foods you should not eat.

List of "Do Not Eat Foods"

Dairy Products: "I typically advise most of my patients to avoid dairy products completely." Mark Hyman MD.

Grain Products: "Grains are a mistake! Added to the human diet in desperation, they now dominate the human food experience. And grains are no longer traditional strains, but Frankengrains created by genetics research and agribusiness."

Vegetables: "Pesticides can be absorbed into fruits and vegetables, and leave trace residues. As Melinda Wenner Moyer reported on for EatingWell Magazine, there are hundreds of pesticides approved for use in the United States and they all present different risks: some are linked with cancer, while others can cause birth defects or harm the nervous system. Some pesticides—including organophosphates commonly used on crops—are what are known as endocrine disruptors, which means that they affect the body’s highly sensitive endocrine (hormone) system. There’s good reason to be concerned about this: the body uses hormones to coordinate just about everything—cell growth, appetite and metabolism, among other things. (Organophosphates, despite the name, are synthetic pesticides linked with neurological problems, among other health conditions.)"

Organic Fruits and Vegetables: "Organic food is not healthier, say Stanford researchers; When it comes to nutrition, organic meats, produce and dairy are no better." 

Meat and Cheese: "That chicken wing you’re eating could be as deadly as a cigarette. In a new study that tracked a large sample of adults for nearly two decades, researchers have found that eating a diet rich in animal proteins during middle age makes you four times more likely to die of cancer than someone with a low-protein diet — a mortality risk factor comparable to smoking."

Begin today on the "No Food" diet plan. This new diet will save you money and will lessen your chances of dying from a horrible disease. It is also guaranteed that you will lose weight. Severe symptoms of starvation begin around 35-40 days so hurry today and get our free book called, "How to Cook Nothing." We at NO FOOD International are not responsible for any side effects due to this new diet. 

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