
Friday, August 21, 2015

Survival 6: Things Are Looking Up

Zed literally leaped home to tell Marge and Penny the news. He had meticulously jumped from one fallen tree to another until he made it to the clearing. The news that he could not wait to deliver was that help had finally come to their neck of the woods. He had met a road crew sent from Springfield to clear out the highway.

Marge! Penny! "I have news."

What is it Zed? Are you okay?

Zed took Marge in his arms and started swinging her in the air.

"They're coming, Marge, they are coming. I spotted a road crew clearing the main highway from debris. I saw a band of thirty men with horses and hand saws. They are clearing the brush and making it easy to travel once again." 

"Are we finally saved?" Penny exclaimed. "

Zed smiled and said, "They are not only clearing the main highway but I was told that they are hiring at Grocery Mart. I'm going right now to see about getting myself a job. Things are looking up."


Zed easily traveled to Grocery Mart after the road crew had freed up most of the highway. When he made it to the store he couldn't believe his eyes, Grocery Mart looked immaculate. The building had a fresh coat of paint and the parking lot had been resurfaced. When he approached the main doors he had to open them by hand since power had not yet been restored. As he entered the building he was awed by the light that radiated from the elevated windows. Everything was brightly lit and all the counters and displays had been refurbished. 

The first thing he noticed was the huge sign that read: Employment Wanted. We are an equal opportunity employer. Well, that's why I came, Zed thought as he read the sign. He headed towards the first clerk he could find. All the clerks were dressed in red vests, white shirts and black pants.

As Zed approached a clerk at a checkout table he noticed that there were old fashioned scales on top of the tables. It looked more like an old time miner setup that they used in the 1800's to weigh gold dust than a modern checkout line using cash. Instead of dealing with gold, however, they were weighing wheat grain and using it as capital.  

"What can I do for you sir?"

"I'm inquiring about a job, Zed replied."

"All interviews are done in the back of the store."

"Hey, since you are here," spoke the clerk, "Can I interest you in this fine buck knife? It has a few blemishes on the handle but it is only for the price of 8 ounces of wheat."

"I'm sorry, I don't have wheat but I do have some corn flour."

"How much do you have?"

"You tell me?"

Zed reached into his back pack and pulled out a canvas bag and laid it on the table.

"You have three pounds? Wait here, I got to get the manager."

 The manager quickly came over after the clerk motioned to him.

"Hi, I'm John Dean, the manager of Grocery Mart. I was told you have corn meal."

"Actually it is finer like flour but it is corn."

"Can I taste it?"

"Go ahead," answered Zed.

"I'll tell what we'll do. We will give you the buck knife, two potatoes, any clothing item of your choice, and we'll also throw in a blanket."

Zed was readily agreeable. His only thought was for his family and the surprise they would get with all the goodies. If only he had brought the rest of the flour with him then he might have become a rich man for at least a day. 

The manager looked intently at Zed and then asked, "You wouldn't be interested in a job?"

"You won't believe this," Zed replied, "but I came here looking for one,"

"The job I have in mind is an adventure. Have you ever heard of Jim Horton?"

"You mean reverend Jim Horton. I think he was a survivalist that sold food on television."

"That's the guy. What I have in mind is sending a few men to his once thriving compound. If you could search and dig up some survival food that is still intact in their buckets then we could sell them in this store and help the people of our community. The store will even supply the shovels and the picks."

"I would be interested. What about the occupants of the religious compound? They would not act so kindly if we stole their food."

"We are not thieves and I would not be sending you there to loot. What I hear is that the place is deserted. Do you want the job or not?"

Zed answered, "When do I leave?"

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