
Friday, August 21, 2015

Sprouted Wheat Modification (Flat Bread)

Wheat tortillas can be hard on your teeth especially if you overcook them. I prefer a softer bread-like tortilla (flat bread). How do I modify my tortilla recipe? It is easy.

1. Use a little yeast in your dough. I use about 1/2 package of dry yeast and let it brew in warm water with a spoonful of molasses. That's right, molasses.  Molasses is my little secret that activates yeast faster than sugar.

2. Add some unbleached flour to your dough in order to dry it out. Sprouted wheat that is pulverized in a food processor is too wet. It needs some dry flour.

3. I also add some oil and salt.

4. Make some balls with your dough. Same as your would in making tortillas.

5. Flatten out your balls into tortillas while using a little olive oil on each one.  Instead of immediately cooking them on a griddle, let them rise a few hours in and on plastic wrap.  You will use a lot of plastic wrap. After use, save the plastic wrap in a zip-lock bag for using it again.

6. After the tortillas or flat bread rises a little, I remove them from the plastic wrap and cook them on a high heat electric griddle. When you start seeing some brown spots on the cooking dough flip it over. Do not over cook your flat bread. If you cannot fold your flat bread without breaking them in half then you have overcooked them. Store in frig in a zip-lock bag.

I eat them everyday. I have lost a pound a day from eating them and not eating white bread or white flour products. For a snack I smother my flat bread with peanut butter and homemade blackberry jelly.

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