
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Net Worth? Minus One Cantaloupe

Wild animals just don't have sense. The critter that tasted this green melon couldn't wait any longer for ripening and had to take a bite. He didn't even finish it. I took action and found my other net. I have about four more melons and I'd have to be hammed (drunk, hammered) if I let those varmints get my other ones.

When I was looking in my shed for the net I came across these frogs. They really blend in with their environments. I would hate to be an insect flying around them.

Look at those markings. They are quite cool.

The squash is now growing out of my ears. Guess what I'll be eating for lunch and dinner?

I went to town yesterday. I ate at Wendy's and had a barbecue salad. I'm trying to stay away from white bread food like buns. When I got home I had to eat more and more food. I'm a growing boy at sixty and need my nutrition.

The other night I ate the best tomato of my life for dinner. It was a beefsteak and it had no blemishes. It was huge and tasted heavenly.

I went to a farmers market the other day and was not impressed. Everything was way over priced and the produce was setting outdoors in the heat. I feel sorry for those who think they can make money on selling their home veggies. They would be better off having a garage sale and selling their veggies on the side.

I also went to a health food store and bought another sprouting jar. I looked at their vegetables while I was there and most of them looked like something you would find in a dumpster. I guess when its organic it is suppose to look like crap.

I don't have all the answers for having great successful garden. There are too many factors involved in having a perfect garden. I'm going to keep on trying different things until I become the master of my own garden in its unusual environment.

I still think that garden plants are great additions to our diet but they are not the solution for health. We need more. I tend to think herbs are the answer for great health. Especially herb juice.

I got a sample of hemp hearts at the food market. It is amazing how nutritious they are suppose to be.

Will we find our way to health through weeds? I think so but there is more to be done than eating a few of the right kinds of food.  We need to abstain from the real bad ones. The nuttier or more extreme that we become in our  diet the healthier we will be.

We may not always make the right choices for foods due to where we live, time, and the success of our gardens, however, we must do our best. In some cases the condition of our health will stop us from becoming healthier. It takes a well person to become or stay healthy.

A quick thought for the day: You can lose more weight by not eating white floured products than any other way. 

"WHITE BREAD – Anything and everything that is made from white or enriched flour is a food that will more readily turn to fat. This includes pretzels, bagels, breads, pitas, crackers---anything made with white flour. Try to eat 100 % whole wheat and read labels carefully."

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