
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Scrambled Yellow Squash

Today I decided to mow my yard and do some hand weeding with my shears. I had my green juice made with mint, plantain, alfalfa, watermelon juice, and dandelions before doing some labor.

As I was working I notice that one of my tomato plants are loaded with tomatoes while the other one is barely surviving. I spotted the trouble when I found a mole run that was very close to the plant's roots. I also found that where I planted the tomato plant was filled with rocks. I was going to place a mole trap in the area but couldn't penetrate the ground.

I worked for a while and became faint with hunger.  I decided to make scrambled squash. I had plenty of yellow squash and thought I would try something different.

I took my day's harvest of squash and cut it up in cubes.

I am blessed this year just to have squash. Normally the bugs would have destroyed my plants by now.

I first cooked the squash, onion, and added a little butter and water. I then drained the juice.

Make sure you drink the squash tea. It is great.

I then added some cut up corn tortillas. The tortillas help absorb the moisture from the squash.

Be sure to add some seasoning before serving. I topped mine off with cheese.

It wasn't like scrambled eggs but it wasn't bad. I would suggest eating more scrambled squash until the eggs prices drop.

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