
Saturday, May 16, 2015

5/16 Another Day of Eating Salads

It was time to give my pepper plant a little support. The cage went in easy due to the hay around the growing medium.

Nothing like strawberries growing in a 5 gallon bucket.

Is there a humming bird in the sage or is it a moth?

It's a hummingbird moth. 

The potato plants are filling out the bed nicely.

I think this is my Alyssum plant, "Royal Carpet." Bless their little buds. They have bloomed a little flower. I mean real little.

This beefsteak tomato plant is growing fast. 

I moved a pile of dirt to the back of the garden. 

My kind of gardening uses less soil. I always have a reserve.

Another beautiful rose. All I did was prune off the dead branches. Look at that green foliage. I shouldn't get too smug, powdery mildew could be waiting to attack.

This lettuce mound is so neglected. I grew too much. 

I wonder if I can make biochar from lettuce?

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