
Saturday, May 9, 2015


My priority is juicing first and then harvesting vegetables for the table. You will feel a whole lot better having a ounce of green juice in a glass filled with water than eating a salad. I am so into juicing that I have filled my library with books on juicing. Have you ever heard of, "Leaves of Barley?"  or "Barley Essence." They are great books. I also like "Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine."

"The blade of grass contains all the elements of which the body is composed including revitalizing and rebuilding materials, force producers for energy and also the eliminators of waste acid. Grass and sprouts are perfect foods." ----Dr. Ann Wigmore

I enjoy a great meal like anyone else. Look at what I ate at lunch.

I had a steak sandwich with homegrown lettuce and onion. I also had coleslaw on my sandwich. For a side dish I made asparagus scrambled eggs and homegrown radishes on the side. It was one great lunch. 

Before I dived into my lunch with all its edibles, I had first juiced. I found dandelions, Greek oregano, Alfalfa, fresh garlic, and I used some of the wheat grass that was growing in the flower bed. I only drank a fluid ounce of juice mixed with water. It was still powerful stuff. What I didn't drink I saved away in 1/2 ounce ice cube tray that I later dumped into a zip lock bag.

I don't juice everyday, it is too time consuming. I save about two ounces in a jar and freeze the rest. I take four cubes a day when I do not juice. I use a magic bullet and place two cubes in it with water. A few spins of the blades and I'm ready to drink.

Everything we do is time consuming. In my life, I concentrate on juicing first and then growing vegetables. It is easy to grow a little bit of spring wheat and harvesting it for juice. I get wheat seed that is not chemically treated. The wheat I get is ready for grinding into flour. 

Barley seed in Missouri is very hard to find. I have given up on growing barley. I now mostly juice wheat grass.  

Get Greek Oregano and grow it everywhere. Read this book,

The book, "Cure in the Cupboard" recommends oil of oregano, but you do not have to buy oil of oregano to be healthy; juice Greek oregano instead. Learn everything about herbs that you can and go at it by juicing them.

Hint: Wheat grass needs a wheat grass juicer. No other juicer will work.

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