
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5/27/15 Strawberries/Torrential rain/ Cupcakes

If this was not my mother plant, I would sale it. Look how the strawberries juts out of the plant. The only problems is I don't know the name of this strawberry plant. I thought it was alpine but it is not. Whatever it is, at least I can propagate it for next year. Try different plants. If it looks like this one does in a bucket, it is a keeper.

While I slept last night we had a torrential rain. It plastered down my lettuce.

It was time to thin out my oldest patch of lettuce. I got quite a pile of this green treasure.

It took some work but I was able to wash and dry some to place in zip lock bags. It was easier growing the lettuce than harvesting and preparing it.

Hunger gripped hold and I made this salad. I use an avocado that my brother sent me from California. It's nice to have family in California. Especially one that grow avocados and lemons. 

These avocados are the kind you get from specialty grocery stores. In this part of Missouri they sell only the small Mexican grown avocados. Most of these in this plate are bacon avocados. They are delicious. 

Learn the types of Avocado grown in California:

The rain filled up my growing trenches. Water will help compost my leaf bales and give my plants needed moisture for the days to come.

This looks more like square foot gardening. I planted my cauliflower 24" apart and yet I should have given them more space. One of those plants already has a 3" cauliflower head. I closed it up with clothespins and I'm going to check back in a few days.

My last years onions are seeding. I'm going to save the seeds and use them for sprouts or growing onions next year. Always remember to save seed for next year. My book, "Honey Bee Baler," shows how to mass collect seeds by using a grain grinder.  

After all this work, I am going to treat myself with a cupcake. There is one thing I cannot do is eat the frosting. I not sure what it is made of, but it cannot be good. I would like to think it is made of butter, but I think it is hydrogenated vegetable oil.

If you are like me, you do not want to take a chance of globing up your system with trans fat. At least you want to lessen your chance.

Rub some of the frosting or icing on your hands. Now rinse it in water. It is hard to wash off. I don't want something in body that takes soap to cleanse it from my system.

"If thy icing offends you, cut it off your cupcake" Larry Zoro. 

Now that's better. I think I can live by eating this. That frosting was nasty stuff. I wouldn't even put it in my garden's compost pile. I would burn it. 

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