
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Please Bear With Me

I know some of you are tired of seeing my lettuce and radish pictures. This is the only thing in harvest at this time other than some asparagus and green onions. Some people have to see the fruit to believe that you're harvesting it. At the fair, when we had a gardening contest, gardeners had to leave on the stems and leaves of their produce to show they really grew it. You would be amazed at those who buy produce and enter it in the fair.

A few of my radishes are not perfect. Sow bugs have put little holes in their beautiful red skins. There are also a few split radishes. If the moisture is not constant (perhaps having too much water), radishes do split. I eat everything organically grown. If there is bug spots, I'll cut them out.

Farmer markets are a great place to buy produce. They sell their best and eat their worst. People who buy at outdoor markets will not buy spotted or split radishes. When you sell your produce, it has to be your best.

Hint: My brother John L from California has this suggestion for sow bug control: food grade diatomaceous earth. He sprinkles it around and has found that it does help control sow/pill bugs. They hate the stuff. Spoil their day with food grade diatomaceous earth.

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