
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Nature Walk

I first took a walk through my front yard. Wow! I like those white flowered plants.

I tried to find their name. I found one on-line that was called, "White British wild flower."  Most people just called them white wild flowers.

The flowers were blooming everywhere in the front yard. Now I know why we should not be so eager to mow our yards. There are flowers to be seen.

I strolled over to the Maple tree and admired the type of grass that grows under some shaded trees. If only I had a yard of it, I would never have to mow.

I walked to the big Oak tree and realized why I should mow the front yard.

Some grass is just weedy and needs to be mowed. I then went over to the west side of the yard and admired the white clover. I wish it grew that way in the back yard.

I looked at some Iris plants that I had thrown away one year in the field. It had changed color. I don't know why, perhaps lack of water or different soil type. 

The same Iris turned light blue, almost white in another location.

The same plant in my flower bed is purple.

I then took a walk through my field and looked at a young Red Oak. 

On my journey I saw a bumble bee resting. 

I also saw a strange weed like plant with a cluster of something.

I finally went back to my yard and saw snow. It was a snowmound spirea. 

On the way to my house I noticed the sage was beginning to blossom.

Well that's enough of that, I got work to do.

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