
Sunday, May 3, 2015

I'm Not for Legislating Everything I Think Is Wrong

I think it is great that there are no state sponsored prayers in schools. Why should a secular school force any kind of religion on their students? However, I am against forbidding students to pray if they want to. I am also for students to share their faith on school grounds as long as they don't disrupt their classes or show signs of abnormal behavior. Abnormal behavior is shouting in public places and holding up signs that read, "The End is Coming." What I mean by sharing is allowing a free conversation among students so they can explore ideas (even religious) in a peaceful manner. No one should have views forced upon them.

There is a movement in the land to legislate all sorts of things. Good meaning people want to be their brother's keeper. We must legislate drugs, glues, sugar, and gardens. These are just a few of the things we must do in order to save people. I don't know about you, I don't need saving.

God has given us each a brain. Just because a kid sniffs glue, I don't need to save him from the harmful effects. The kid no doubt had brain damage long before he started sniffing glue. I am not responsible for kids behavior whether good or bad. I am also sick of showing my ID everytime I buy glue at a store. Get off my back and leave me alone. If parents can't control their kids behavior, I certainly don't need to help keep glues out of the hands of their children.

The hypocrisy of would be do gooders is apparent with a little probing. We know people misuse the automobile. Drunks have killed a lot of people. There are even those who fall asleep while driving and commit mayhem on the streets.  In order to protect society should we ban all automobiles and throw every citizens in jail if they are caught using one? Do we need to legislate or make a law against driving a car?

See how stupid it is when citizens urge their lawmakers to make laws against freedom. Are we so weak of a society that we need the government to make laws against everything. Should we also make laws against ovens to protect our children from touching a hot stove?

The government should enforce laws of criminal behavior like murder, theft, and the like. But to micromanage our freedom is a crime in itself that should be banned. Let's make a law against that.

The UK is in a fight against sugar. It is killing people. It's like the Coca Cola Company is holding a gun at the heads of people and making them drink the stuff. We need to stop this madness, they say before it is too late. Let's legislate.

One of the ways to legislate is by placing a sin tax. It is suppose to discourage use of the harmful product. What it really does is to fill up the coffers of tax revenues. It takes money to run a big government and you can help by paying your sin tax.

In Massachusetts, legislation is pending to eliminate the tax-exempt status of soft drinks and candy. 

It is madness in itself that causes another to think they know what is best for their neighbors. What we need is less government and more right thinking.  We need to be responsible for our own lives and not that of others. Let's legislate that.

Herbs and vegetables grown in New York City community gardens are loaded with lead and other toxic metals, a startling state study shows.

"It is just a matter of time before gardeners will be consider criminal for growing alleged toxic food."

Sure some people grow in toxic soils and people who buy from outdoor markets perhaps put themselves at risk. It's true that even though food looks great it could also be toxic. Should we enforce laws to test every ground used for gardening? Should we ban state unapproved growers from dabbling into the arts of gardening? I believe it is heading that way. The do gooders in society wants to protect us. They want us to buy all their produce from foreigners whom they believe sell the safest food. They no doubt have faith in  all our grocery vegetables that had been radiated and give off that healthy radiated glow. I have an idea, we should tax all garden growers. If you grow a carrot, by all means you'll be charged a tax or we will confiscate your carrot. I should run for office. I'm getting the madness of butting into your business for the good of our society.

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