
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Don't Get Me Wrong Green Tea is Healthy

If you could grow green tea in your back yard, it probably would have a lot of great benefits for your health. Did you know that most herbs have the same benefits as green tea? It seems stupid that we drink herbs from other countries and yet not from our own.

Case in Point: This site tells about 20 different herbs that fight cancer.

I actually believe that anything green would be beneficial in fighting cancer.

Antioxidants is attributed to drinking green tea and so are these food mentioned on this website:

So don't get me wrong, if green tea is organically grown it will benefit you if you drink at least 10 cups a day. But why waste your money when herbs are so easy to grow and dry and made into teas?

Begin today and start growing herbs in bales and buckets. If you find one you really like, you better grow a field of it so you won't run out.

I'm the Juicing Herb Guy

I get my green juice from what's available on my property. I'll juice green garlic, Greek oregano, red clover, alfalfa, dandelion, mint and now I'll be adding yarrow. If they legalize Marijuana and allow me to grow it, I'll also juice it. Fresh Marijuana does not produce a high and is a miracle food as long as it is not cooked. 

I use a wheat grass juicer to get my juice.

This juice is not for sissies. I try not to taste it when I drink it. It is not great tasting like store bought teas. 

Attention: See your physician and tell him what you doing if you are taking medicines. 

Marijuana is illegal in most states. If you're caught growing it, you will do the time and pay the fines. 

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