
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Milk From Cows and Juice From Grass Buckets

We should juice twice a day. I take about three fluid ounces each day of my green juice combo. As the year goes by we need to stock up on green juice. We make frozen juice cubes from 1/2 ounce ice trays and then store the cubes in our freezer in zip-lock bags.

It is hard to juice in the winter. The temperature needs to be just right or we will grow yellow and moldy wheatgrass instead of healthy wheatgrass . It would be better to buy frozen wheatgrass than become sick on mold.

Wheatgrass is very expensive, so why not make it yourself in the summer and have it stored away? The picture above shows you how I am going to save on soil and yet grow the grass in buckets. I know a lot of people grow in trays, but I'm going to grow in portable buckets. You can get cheap food grade buckets at Walmart. They sell for a dollar a piece at the deli/bakery dept.

I'm also going to grow Greek oregano. I'll show you later how it turned out. You might want to grow other herbs for teas in buckets.

When the grass grows to about 8 inches tall, it is time to cut grass and make juice. I'll leave it in the bucket and harvest it a few times before discarding the soil and hay. Throw the dirt, hay and roots in your garden. The garden plants will enjoy having more mulch and soil.

Hint: No need for drainage holes in the buckets. The hay will absorb any excess moisture. Keep the bucket well watered but not saturated. Otherwise tip the bucket over and remove all excess water.

When planting I place the wheat seed on top of the soil and then cover them with potting soil. It works better in germination having the best soil on top of the seeds.

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