
Monday, May 4, 2015

How Did I Do That? Weight Loss Explained

Rest in Peace My Bitter Dandelions 

I feel down that dandelion season is almost over in Missouri. It has gone to seed and is dying. I lost weight drinking that bitter juice. Now I must try different herbs without dandelion. I tried some the other night that made me gag.

Look at how much weight I lost since March. I'm going to have to punch new holes in my belt. I did not lose weight by dieting. I lost it by sickness, juicing, and exercising.

It wasn't a whole lot of weight loss but it is a start. At least I lost my paunch. Weight loss all started in March.  I had just recovered from the worst flu in my life. I was nauseous for over a week with high fever. I found it hard to eat and groaned a lot.

Sickness is a Friend?

I believe sickness can be our friend. The germs or viruses are bad and would kill us if our immune system didn't fight back. Our immune system goes on the offensive the minute we get sick. It begins making antibodies and T cells that latch on and destroy the virus. The body expends a lot of energy in order to make us well again. This is a hard way to lose weight but it does help us to lose those unwanted lbs. It reminds me about what I used to say about pain, "You are going to have to suffer pain one way or another. Either by exercising or by sickness." 

After being sick, I had the look of death warmed over, but instead of going back to all my unhealthy ways I began to exercise and eat more nutritionally. I let my body now expend its energy on exercising instead of sickness. Now I feel better and have no fear of being sick. "Sickness flees the one prepared."

I know not everyone can juice or wants to. At least eat more salads from your fresh garden. This year I have so much lettuce that I could feed you and your family. Too bad you're not my neighbor. We could eat salad together. We would not be limited to one bowl. We could eat as much as we like.

Salad is a Diet Food?

Lettuce helps dissolve fat. The more you eat the thinner you will become. This is the portion of lettuce I ate today. If you don't grow it at least eat out at Wendys. They have great fresh salads with nuts.

The only thing I miss in my salad is spinach. Why didn't I grow spinach?

I am not a fanatic about eating. I do everything in moderation. I like a cold soda pop as much as anyone. I eat out and enjoy burger, chips, and fries. However, I am trying to give my body more of the green stuff it needs to stay healthy. All the crap that I eat will not have that great an influence on my body when I also give it healthy foods. I admit it. I believe we can become healthy and eat our chocolate cake too. We do not have to be fanatics to become healthy, just wiser.

So long for now. Remember that while you watch your favorite television show do some exercise. People will begin to notice your healthy appearance and exclaim, "You look great. What have you been doing?" You'll reply, "I watch a lot of television."

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