
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Back to Sweating

It was hot today. The humidity was intolerable. It is time of the year to look for blackberries. I did find a few but not as much as 10 years ago. Berries just don't grow very well in the wild anymore. Don't know why maybe something in the sky.

It's thickening. My wife cooked them up. I hate braving the elements. Chiggers and ticks are just waiting for a berry picker.  I used my centrifugal juicer and it removed the seeds. All that is left is pure nectar of thick berry juice.

My insect jar is filling up. A few sprinkles in my soil when transplanting is my new secret weapon of plant growth. Don't use it like mulch or the ants will take it all away. The ants know how valuable it is.

In case you are new and wondering what's with the insects? It is my new organic fertilizer. The insects willingly get zapped in order to fill my supply. I may not eat the little critters like they do in foreign countries, but my plants sure like them.

I saw a green dragon fly today. They are a lot skittish compared to the one my daughter played with the other day.

I planted my watermelon transplant. I did not have to push and plant this one in the hole, it slid out on its own.

The rootings I had really had the roots. I wish I had those little starts in separate cups. They were hard to separate. It was just a test, how was I to know I would be successful?

I don't know if you can see it,  but the roots extended into the hay. If the hay is moist and saturated with soil residue, it will contain roots. Hay that is barren and dry never has anything growing in it. 

If you look closely, you will see the parent and its kids. Let's call them rooty and rooter. 

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